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Can I register with the municipality at my StuNest Spartaan address?Yes, registration is also mandatory if you are going to live with us. Check out the municipality of Amsterdam website for more information about registering. Are you not able to register because a previous tenant is registered at your address? Please reach out yourself to the municipality of Amsterdam via this link. The municipality has to start an investigation about previous registrations, to make sure you can register.
Where can I find my personal information, financial information and contract?You can find this if you log into your tenant portal. You will find the different sections there where you can see you personal information, your financial information and your contract at the document section. The tenant portal is in Dutch and cannot be set to English. Below some more information on where you can find everything accordingly. If you log in into the tenant portal, you will see three options to choose from: Home - which is the home page; Uw Informatie - means your personal information; Meldingen - here you can create a ticket for any technical issues in your apartment or when you have a general question. If you go to Uw Informatie, you will find your personal details (Details). If any of your personal information changes, please inform us also as otherwise we might cannot communicate with you. If you go to Contracten (contracts), you can review your signed rental agreement and start- and end date of your contract. If you go to Financieel (finance), you can check if payments have been received, if there are any open balances or if all is paid and good. If the balance is set on 0.00, it means that all payments have been received. If you go to Meldingen (tickets), you can inform us if you have a technical issue or simply a general question, all can be asked via the tenant portal via a ticket. You can also keep track on the status of your ticket.
Do I need to arrange internet and television?Internet and television are included in the service costs. There will be a WIFI router present in your room. A TV is not included in your apartment, so you will have to buy this yourself. The WIFI log in details are noted on the back of the WIFI router. You only have to connect and you will be online! In case you have any issues with your internet or television, you will have to reach out to the ITT Desk (+31 85 014 04 37).
I cannot access the community platforms or the tenant portal, what do I do?It might be that you have not activated your account in time and therefore registration links have been expired. Please reach out to your community manager to request access again and for which platform it is.
When do I get the log in details to the Huddle and BringMe?The Huddle is our community platform. You will get the details to create/activate your account in the upcoming month(s). We will send you an email when this has been sent out to you. Please await your invite, sending an email to us when it will happen will not speed up the process. The BringMe is our parcel smart delivery box on the ground floor. This is where packages can be delivered for you when you are not at home. DO NOT ORDER packages yet if you do not live here. These will not be received by the management and you have a risk of losing them. You will be added to the BringMe box in the upcoming month(s). Please await our email when this has been processed.
What are the StuNest Spartaan communcation channels where I can find information?Personal details, financial information and documents such as your rental agreement can all be found in the tenant portal. You can also create tickets here to report technical issues or ask questions. The Huddle is our online community platform. You have received an invitation to join this platform. Make sure to activate the account and keep an eye on it for the latest updates in the building. You can also find instruction videos on this platform, which helps you to resolve small and easy technical issues, but also more information about the check out or other useful information. Last but not least, you will find the event calendar, for which you can register to participate in our building events! Do you have any suggestions for events, feel free to reach out to your community manager. WhatsApp is not our official communication channel and to messages will not be responded to.
How can I get in touch with StuNest Spartaan?In case of a question after receiving the log in details to your tenant portal, you can create a ticket and ask your questions via the tenatn portal. If you did not sign the rental agreement yet and in case your questions are not answered on our FAQ page, you can send an email to to get in touch with us. Our platform is all digitally.
How can I get in touch with the community manager?If you have any questions before your rental agreement is signed, please check the FAQ page. Is your answer not there? You can send an email to and the community manager will get back to you shortly. Did you sign the rental agreement already and received the log in details to the tenant portal? Then you will have to make a ticket in your tenant portal, which you can access via this link, in case you have any general questions or technical issue in your apartment. In case you have an urgent question that can't wait, give your community manager a quick call to get a fast response. WhatsApp is not our official communication channel. WhatsApp messages will not be responded to. You will receive the community manager phone number once the rental agreement has been signed.
Can visitors or family come over during my stay?Yes, this is possible. However, you as a tenant are responsible for their behaviour and actions within the building if they are your guests. You do not need to notify the community manager if someone is staying with you. If a guest/visitor is staying for longer than one month with you, you will have to inform the community manager about this. If someone will be moving in with you during your stay, you have to inform the community manager about this.
Do I need to inform StuNest Spartaan if I have visitors over?No this is not needed. You can have visitors over. If a visitor is staying longer than one month, then you do need to inform the community manager via If someone is moving in permanently with you, then you also need to inform us.
How can I request housing allowance?You can request rental allowance with the apartments at StuNest Spartaan. You can apply for rental allowance if you are 23+ years old and meet certain conditions. Further information can be found on this website from the Dutch governement. You will be needing a form for the ''rekenhuur'' for this in order to apply. Please make a ticket in your tenant portal to request the form from the community manager. You then have to apply for it yourself afterwards, StuNest cannot help you with this. You have to check the website of the government for rental allowance for further steps.
My ticket tenant portal does not work, how can I make a ticket before I arrive?Making a ticket in your tenant portal will only work from the day onwards that your contract starts. If your contract has not started yet, the ticket system at the tenant portal will not work. You can send a request or question you have to until your contract has started and the tenant portal works. Then you can make a ticket there to ask questions or make requests.
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